Helicocranchia pfefferi

Helicocranchia pfefferi


In the twilight zone of the ocean, only 1% of the surface light reaches. It's inhabited by a piglet-like squid called Helicocranchia pfefferi.

Although it's not actually a pig, this squid does look look like it has a snout, hence it's common name. This cranchiid grows up to have a mantle length of 10 cm.

This adorable piglet squid has captured the hearts of people worldwide. Now, it’s swimming into the crypto world with its very own identity! It’s not just about fun and memes—it’s because the ocean needs you!

Join $pigletsquid

A portion of every transaction will go toward ocean conservation efforts, helping protect the fragile ecosystems where our little piglet squid friends live.


Total Supply: 1,000,000,000


Whether you’re a crypto enthusiast, an ocean lover, or just someone who can’t resist this incredible creature, $pigletsquid welcomes you.

Get your $pigletsquid tokens now and help us protect the ocean!

© 2025 Helicocranchia pfefferi